COTA 'Circulator' routes are proposed for downtown area | ThisWeek Community News: "According to the plan, which includes 20 stops along the route, the new 30-foot-long buses would stop every 10 to 15 minutes between 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily.
"We often hear from people who live in the neighborhoods adjacent to downtown and in the central business district that our local service is a little too complicated for those who want to make short hops from one destination to another in downtown Columbus," Stutz said.
Fees have not been established.
"Reduced or free fares are certainly on the table," he said.
At a public meeting Aug. 28, one of four held last week, residents voiced overall support for the plan but asked transit officials to consider expanding the circulator route east and increasing the frequency of stops to every five to eight minutes."
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